space invader is more than a name for these cute little "ghosts" (as a former friend used to call them) seen here. space invader is the name of a french street artist (who remains anonymous. he does give interviews, but will not reveal his name or face) who chose his name not just for the fact that he uses characters reminiscent of the classic video game, but because of the sheer act of bringing his art to the streets
is space invading. he invades public space, turning the street corner, the side of a building, a sign, etc, into an art space. no place is safe. he has invaded in africa, asia, australia, new york, los angeles, and in most major cities in europe. it is said that one of his invasions is visible in the background of a scene in the film "amelie" (i've only seen the movie once and didn't catch it, but perhaps if i watch it again...). i for one find it amazing that there are still people out there who are still willing to take risks, to engage in an the illegal act of "defacing" a public space to get their art seen and felt. i just wonder how many thousands of people walk by his invaders every day without noticing or knowing what they're looking at. i keep my eyes out whenever i'm in new york on the chance that i might see a spot he has invaded. i have seen three invaders with my own eyes in nyc, all pictured above. it brings me a certain sense of happiness and feeling of awe whenever i discover a new one and anytime i have someone new with me, i try to take them to the spot so they can experience it as well. it's rare that the other party feels as strongly about it as i do, but all i can do is try to share the feeling and know that i-hopefully-passed something inspiring on to someone else.
1. wooster street, nyc.- i saw this during the fall of 2004. it is now gone
2. 10th ave and 15th street, manhattan- this was taken sometime in 2006. this too is now gone.
3. 10th ave and 15th street, manhattan- but have no fear, mr. invader struck again in the same spot. this was taken august 2008