Thursday, June 25, 2009

the way things are


"the way things are"

11"x14" acrylic, enamel, caulk, foam on canvas. 2008

(part of my personal collection)


life is weird. it doesn't always make sense. and it doesn't always look the way we think it should. there are a lot of ins and outs. a lot of texture. a lot of clashes. thats why i named this painting "the way things are" because its disjointed form reminds me of my life in many ways

Saturday, June 20, 2009

if you love someone...

don't lie to them.


photo: hoboken, nj. may 2009


i need to start taking more pictures. and i started playing with film again a little bit. and i also need to post pics of new collages and paintings i've done. i need to get on that for sure.